Where There Is Light
There Is Heat.
Where There Is Heat
There Is Fire.
Where There Is Fire
There Is Light.
As My devotee, you are moved, obliged, and enabled to both intrinsically and always actively transcend yourself (or the “self’-pattern of otherwise presumed ego-I) in whole bodily devotional recognition-response to Me and moment to moment devotional Communion with Me. In any moment, whatever “experience” arises (in the midst of your turned-to-Me life) simply is whatever it is. That “experience” is merely a pattern, and that pattern will, inevitably, transform itself into the next moment—and you must surrender in that moment as well. When you understand quite soberly that your life is a pattern of changes that functions as a progressive process of purification—or renunciation, relinquishment, transcendence, and En-Light-enment—you regain true humor about your born condition, and you (thus and thereby) also become capable of serving others in a sympathetic (or compassionate) and always “self-forgetting and “self-transcending fashion.
The life of devotion to Me Is both a Communion with Light and a Purification by Fire. There may be many years of This Fire-Light in My Divine Avataric Company, and you should welcome all of them.
The Self-Radiant Fire-Light of My Avatarically Revealed and Given Divine Self-“Brightness” Is the Great and Constant Circumstance of your devotional relationship to Me. How you participate in the devotional relationship to Me will determine your destiny. Whatever must happen before you Perfectly surrender to Me must happen. In any and every case, there is also death. You will not be able to avoid it. Death is merely the transformational dissolution of the body-mind-“self” in the pattern-form in which it now appears, and which you are egoically tending to protect by all kinds of strategic means. Nevertheless, you cannot avoid change and death—for these are the necessary and inevitable means of all transformation—and, therefore, as My devotee, you cannot bypass (and must not seek to bypass) the Fire of My Divine Avataric Self-“Brightness”.
The only Way to Realize My Divine Conscious Light Is by constantly whole bodily turning to Me—recognition-responsively surrendering all the patterns of apparent separate “self to My Divinely Avatarically Self-Revealed and Self-Given Form, and Presence, and State, and (Thus and Thereby) yielding whole bodily into the Intrinsically egoless Ecstasy of devotional Communion with Me in every moment of your life. There is no other Way. There is no cheap “super-truth” or “clever method” for “everyman” in this entropic time of aggressive consumerism, universal indiscriminate and waste-bound consumption of everything, and virtually totalistic scientific and technological “world”-domination. The True Reality-Way of Intrinsically ego-transcending devotion to Me Is (now, and forever hereafter) as demanding and difficult as all the seeking-paths ever were in the past, before My Divine Avataric Self-“Emergence” here—and the fundamental requirements of the practice of devotion to Me are, essentially, the same requirements declared by all Realizers, even since the ancient days. If you are My devotee, I Am the Unique Advantage Given to you—but, nevertheless, there is no “easy” (or egoically “self-preserving) path by which to live the Reality-Way of Adidam in My Divine Avataric Company.
The Divine Avataric Reality-Way of devotion to Me Is a “manly” Way of life—for man and for woman. It Is a Way of life that Is “creative” in the highest sense, because It Is a Way of life purposed to the intrinsic and the always active transcending of the patterns of egoity, rather than to “self of the Reality-Way Itself: There is no Light—no En-Light-enment—without Fire, without purification, without both the intrinsic and the always active transcending of egoity. That Is the Intrinsic, Self-Evident, and Perfectly Necessary Divine Law.
I Give you the Divine Conscious Light—but only on the basis of your actively demonstrated surrender to My Fire. Therefore, as you practice the Reality-Way of Adidam, the Fire is always immediate and prominent. There is, in This practice, always much more to learn, and there is always much more responsibility yet to be demonstrated.
In the only-by-Me Revealed and Given “Radical” (or Always “At-the-Root”) Reality-Way of
Adidam, your commitment must not be to “your” En-Light-enment, but to Me, to the only-by-Meand-As-Me Divinely Avatarically Self-Revealed Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of Reality Itself, Which Is the egoless, Indivisible, Non-separate, Acausal, and Self-Evidently Divine Conscious Light Itself. That commitment must be exercised through the constant (moment to moment) recognition-responsive devotional turning of all the psycho-physical faculties to Me, in always right and true and truly ego-transcending devotional (and, in due course, Transcendental Spiritual) Communion with Me.
That commitment to Fire and Light must be your exercise of life—in every moment, and under all circumstances.
Where There Is Light
There Is Heat.
Where There Is Heat
There Is Fire.
Where There Is Fire
There Is Light.