Cutting Through Egoity

Cutting Through Egoity a talk by Da Free John November 22, 1985 Originally published in Crazy Wisdom Magazine April 1986 MASTER DA: You think of Read More …

Keep it Light

  Adi Da Samraj, 1987. The following talk has been edited and adapted by Beezone. The talk is between Adi Da Samraj and a longtime Read More …

What Signs do you show?

What Signs do you show? – A Beezone study on the signs of ‘realization’ or ‘conscious responsbility’   So human beings in their ordinariness not Read More …

Humor in Zen

Humor in Zen: Comic Midwifey By Conrad Hyers Philosophy East and West Volume 39, no. 3 1989 July P.267-277 *** “Humor in Zen is often Read More …