The Great Bird Adapted – Sacrifice to the Source – Lead to the Heart – Beezone Study

This is a Beezone edit and adaptation from a number of essays and talks by Adi Da Samraj covering a period of over 30 years of his teaching demonstration.

The Yoga of Spiritual Practice

“With understanding the search principle is gone. The search has no existence. Everything becomes yoga then, a matter of conductivity”

“…yoga…and…self-Understanding…appear side by side throughout My Life.”

  Vishnu riding Garuda

edited and adapted by
Beezone’s Old and New Dharma Series
from sex talks by Adi Da Samraj

The Great Bird That Flies to the Heart – 1982 – Make the Body a Yoga-Body – 1995 – Baptism of Immortal Happiness – 1982 – I Am the Divine Avataric Gift of The Bright – And of The Thumbs That Reveals It – 2006 – Zone of Profundity – 1996

 Due to copyright restrictions the some of the links are not available.


Entrance into the Spiritual stages of life begins with natural bodily force, natural energies. The spiritual Way depends first of all on establishing the receptive and descended personality as a functional vehicle of the Living Reality. This is the principle of the first three stages of life.

You must be able receive the Living Force in the body, then, in the Spiritual stages, as a secondary and supportive matter allow the Force of that Presence to Purify the body-mind. The receiving of the Living Force will Purify, Infuse and Expand your sense of Being. This is a Yogic process that is sometimes called an alchemical process. It deals with the traditional elements of conditional manifestation, earth, water, fire, air, ether, infinite space beyond that.

By practicing this Yoga from the beginning, you equip and prepare yourself to do Spiritual Yoga. In the beginning is seems like it is a different energy. When you begin you are relatively undisciplined. You may have some insights, an intuition as to what a spiritual understanding entails but it’s fragmented, immature. All the while you waver, you have a busy mind and a busy life. Your body is not particularly healthy and neither is your life in general sense of balance and equanimity. There are all kinds of obstacles and you are disturbed at a basic level. You have very little ability for concentration or other bodily disciplines. But once you begin to be responsible and take responsibility this yoga becomes more profound. A subtler energy manifests, a more refined subtler process begins.


“It immediately and completely Enters the totality of My living human form – and, also, the Totality of My otherwise invisible and greater Self-“Bright” Energy-Form.”1


In the Spiritual stages it is not merely a matter of natural body or mental energy being worked with and conducted. It is about the Living Force of Presence being conducted.

” What must change is your responsibility for the full openness of this frontal line of your manifest existence to receive and not block this descending force. Until you become fully responsible for it…you are always experiencing symptoms of one or another kind, physical and emotional symptoms, in the form of your complicated living.”

This process of Reception and conductivity is traditionally called not only a Yogic process, but an alchemical process. That is another word given for it. It is an infusion of the body-mind with Spirit-Energy. If the body-mind is given up to the Living Current, it begins to transforms the sublimed elements and releases the point of view from grossness of just the body. You begin to be released from limited identification with the body to ultimate profundity of identification with the Source. This release of identification with the body also leads to release of identification with all conditional states of existence – gross, subtle, causal.


Even though I can tell you about the advanced stages of this Way you cannot really practice them unless the Spirit carries you into them. The Spirit will not carry you into them unless you provide a vehicle for It. You must prepare yourself, give the Garuda Bird (The Spirit Bird) to Vishnu (The Self). You must give birth to this Bird. You must let It break out of the egg, the shell of ego. You must fly with the Spirit-Current, the full Egg, the full Circle. It must descend and ascend. Then It cracks to Its root, the Bird flies to the heart, and the Transcendental State of Being, Vishnu, the Divine Being, is Realized. But not otherwise, and not before then.

I at times use traditional stories and myths to describe this process, but this process is not a myth nor is it a story. It is a fact. It is expressed through myths in the traditions, but it is a yogic or spiritual fact. And it is Realized through the process that I communicate and Transmit to you. That process is founded on self-understanding and the exercise of this mechanism whereby you break through the shell, undo the knots, allow the Current to resonate in this full Circle and then to move into the heart and find the Self truly.


“The habits of egoity cover a lifetime…over many lifetimes and it is therefore not simply available to receive this Baptism or Force. You must understand your impediments to receiving the Spirit-Baptism, found yourself in self-understanding of the mental and emotional self-contraction, the physical self-contraction.”


I have told you many stories about the Mighty Atom, you must condition the body to be a vehicle of this exercise of conductivity. You cannot merely engage it as a mental exercise and let your body go to pot, but you must maintain a right physical discipline so that the body can enjoy its natural capacity to be full of Life, to conduct It, receive It, and demonstrate Its Virtue.

The first three stages of life are not a hellish domain into which we should not have been born to begin with. They are stages for preparing the vehicle of descent so that it can conduct the Living Force. They prepare us with a will, free of limitations of mind, to concentrate this Force, receive It from above the head, concentrate It in the body, let It pass through a full feeling vehicle with no impediment, a body that is healthy and fully able to function in all kinds of ways.


“It became clear to Me that all such “objects” are grasped in a state that is already seeking, and which has already lost the…Self-Knowledge of absolutely Non-conditional Reality Itself!”


To do this you must observe and be aware of how you are using energy and attention. How you tend to dissipate your stress and seek for release. How you confuse and delude yourself by seeking pleasure and release. You must found (not find) yourself in real self-understanding through consideration of my Argument and develop this practice so that the Life-Current or Energy is set free. Energy and Attention will be set free from the objects associated with that Current, descending and ascending, and can then pass to its Source.

You must become emotionally free of all kinds of reactions, self-imagery, ideals about how things are supposed to turn out, reactions to life, disappointment, frustration. You must be free of the whole force of emotional contraction in the heart region, which is the emotional region of the body…you must also be free in the head. You must be free of thoughts, you must be free of contractions in the head, the brain, the face. And you must be free of vital or physical contractions.

The mechanism in the frontal line is conditioned by the habits of egoity over a lifetime, even over many lifetimes. It is itself a form of self-contraction, and it is therefore not simply available to receive this Baptism or Force. You must understand your impediments to receiving the Spirit-Baptism, found yourself in self-understanding of the mental self-contraction, the emotional self-contraction, the physical self-contraction.

You must understand the self-contraction in terms of the mind, in terms of emotion, your psychology, your complexes, your neuroses, your social attitudes, your chronic physical tendencies.


“My True First Room has, from the beginning of My Lifetime here, always been the State and Space and Spherical Form of the “Bright” and the “Thumbs”.”1


The receiving or inbreathing of the Living Current is not merely the simple matter of inhaling while putting attention in the Divine via the Name or any technique. It is a part of it but the technical exercises I’ve given you must be engaged as real practice over time, based on real self-understanding, real self-observation, and real self-knowing, so that you develop the equipment or the capacity to conduct the Force in the frontal line. This capacity improves over time.



Descent and Ascent

This process of ascent or release is entirely dependent on the process of descent or receptivity. How much you release through exhalation along the spinal line depends on how much you receive via the frontal line. We must enjoy the capacity to be free of limits or modifications on that Force. We must conduct It in a full Circle, so that attention is free, so that Energy is free to Locate stably, and stably Abide in, the Transcendental Condition that is the Source of Nature. To do this you cannot merely exercise the Spirit-Force as a method. You must understand yourself. You must be responsible for the knots, mental, emotional, and physical.

You do not altogether represent a great deal of Spirit-Force. You are a five-watt bulb! You cannot use the Spirit-Force if you are full of knots. You cannot just be good at receiving life. When the full Circle is established, then you are Resonant, you are infinitely Radiant, you are without qualification, you neither go up nor down. You must develop this mechanism.

In this process you must be emotionally free of all kinds of reactions, self-imagery, ideals about how things are supposed to turn out, reactions to life, disappointment, frustration. You must be free of the whole force of emotional contraction in the heart region, which is the emotional region of the body, as you must also be free in the head. You must be free of thoughts, you must be free of contractions in the head, the brain, the face. And you must be free of vital or physical contractions. You must keep the body healthy

This Alchemical and Spiritual process is not a matter of some piddling inhalation, nor is it a matter of big, muscular breath. It is a matter of learning how to be responsible for the contractions in the frontal line. These contractions of the frontal line are based in mental, emotional, psychological, psychic, and physical reactions to all kinds of relationships and circumstances and conditions. To inbreathe the Living Force frontally, therefore, requires you not merely to contact the Energy and feel It a little bit and breathe It down, but to deal with the mechanism of contraction in the frontal line.

What I’m talking about is a process and a discipline. It is about a practice. It is a practice because energy and attention will become conditioned again, it is conditioned, and you will forget and return to your ordinary occupations. You will forget about, think it’s too much or settle for a certain level of adaptation and take a vacation, settle.

I can have these talks with you over and over again. You can respond initially with all the gusto you’ve got, respond to Me and the Argument, take up the Perfect Practice. But you cannot truly practice the Way until you have entered into the domain of the Spirit-Force through self-understanding.


“To the degree you are suffering, your suffering will be intensified. To the degree you are successful, your successes will be intensified. But you will never merely be successful. You will also become exaggerated and bastardize the Virtue that is given to you.”


The practice must occupy your entire life. You must devote your entire life to it. You must be devoted completely to it. Otherwise, being only superficially associated with it, you may perhaps realize a better life by virtue of your coming into my Company, but you will not fulfill the Way in your lifetime. Instead you will devote the Virtue of this Way, the Spiritual Transmission Awakened in my Company, to the ordinary purposes of your living, and fundamentally It will only grant Energy to the same thing you are already doing. Therefore, to the degree you are suffering, your suffering will be intensified. To the degree you are successful, your successes will be intensified. But you will never merely be successful. You will also become exaggerated and bastardize the Virtue that is given to you.


“You must participate in the disposition of becoming serious and profound. And you must handle your life-business, putting it in order in the maximum sense, such that there is fundamental order, predictability, and yet, certainly, life in it. Handling your life-business is important, so that you are not just having to live participating in the pattern of anxiety and stress and low-mindedness and grossness, mere fleshiness. It is not a matter of dissociating from physical existence. It is a matter of always being established in the profundity of existence instead of just being locked into the pattern of grossness. It’s a matter of always practicing the Yoga of the Way of the Heart in every moment, whatever the circumstances.”

Zone of Profundity – 1996


Self-understanding prepares you for My Spirit-Baptism. Without Spirit-Baptism there is no Spiritual life. Therefore, you who are so egoically “self-possessed” must understand that the essence of My Wisdom-Teaching is My Heart-Transmission. My Spiritual Transmission Intoxicates you, but if you have not first understood yourself most fundamentally, you cannot use It. You will shut It down. Therefore, you are not prepared for true Spiritual practice until you have first used My Teaching Revelation to the point of most fundamental self-understanding. Then you can receive My Spiritual Baptism, and you will practice Communion with this Transmitted Sublimity from moment to moment. That is the Way of Adidam. Then you will change your entire life.

You must observe how you bring yourself back from the Divine. You do not go with the Spirit. You do not throw away your body, your life, and your emotion in God. This is what you must do whenever you Commune with Me, whether I am physically Present or not. Whenever you Commune with Me, you get a piece, a sniff, a taste, of God. But your body-mind shuts it down, “Narcissus” shuts it down, you live out your dilemma, and so you must “consider” My Wisdom-Teaching some more.

But if you will truly prepare yourself by “considering” and truly using My Argument, not as a doctrine but as a means for understanding yourself most fundamentally, then you have begun to establish the foundation in which you can Commune with Me Spiritually. Then Communion with Me will be a profoundly Intoxicating motion that lifts you up and sublimes your being, not only on occasion, but every day, because I Transmit the Spirit to you all the time.



1. Gnosticon – Part Two – I Am The Divine Avataric Gift of The Bright – And of The Thumbs That Reveals It – Thumbs – p. 100


Edited and adapted by Beezone’s Old and New Dharma Series from talks by Adi Da Samraj

The Great Bird That Flies to the Heart – 1982

Make the Body a Yoga-Body – 1995

Baptism of Immortal Happiness – 1982

I Am the Divine Avataric Gift of The Bright – And of The Thumbs That Reveals It – 2006

Zone of Profundity – 1996

Study Guide – The Conscious Process – (1972-2006)

Understanding the self-Contraction and the Pursuit of Union – 1992



“Most fundamentally My Liberating Spiritual Baptism occurs in the frontal line, to the toes. As I have told you, My own Divine Emergence is Manifesting. I said in The Dawn Horse Testament that apart from those who are so possessed by the ascending possibility and frame of mind, the Spiritual process of the Way of the Heart may move—will likely move, once the frontal course is fulfilled—directly to the “Perfect Practice”.”

The Crashing Down of My Divine Grace – 1993