Introduction to the Seven Stages of Life

Introduction to the Seven Stages of Life in the Teachings of Adi Da Samraj

Presented by Beezone


Welcome to this introduction to the Seven Stages of Life as taught by Adi Da Samraj, a world-renowned spiritual teacher who was born in 1939. Over the years I have studied and practiced his teachings, particularly focusing on this developmental model. Together, I have spent decades working with children, teaching, and applying these principles in both formal education and personal growth.

The Seven Stages of Life as introduced by Adi Da provide a unique and comprehensive framework for understanding human development. Unlike conventional models that emphasize a linear progression—moving from one stage to a “higher” one—Adi Da’s approach emphasizes an embrace of each stage. This inclusive and holistic view offers insight not only into education but also into the larger process of human evolution, addressing the body, emotions, mind, and spirit in a deeply integrated way.

One of the gifts of Adi Da’s teachings is how they encompass all traditions—Buddhism, psychology, philosophy, and beyond. His wisdom includes and transcends the practices of various schools of thought, offering a “world basket” that holds all the world’s teachings, yet goes beyond them to embrace an infinite perspective. This inclusiveness is a profound offering to anyone who truly engages with his teachings.

What makes Adi Da’s Seven Stages so significant is that it is not merely a developmental model, but an approach that asks us to embrace all aspects of life. Rather than focusing solely on progress or transcendence, Adi Da teaches us to rest in the body, accept our emotional life, and fully engage in the mind and will. It is about embodiment, rather than escaping into abstract ideas or emotions. This grounded perspective allows us to live fully in the present, while integrating deeper spiritual insights.

Adi Da’s teachings emphasize that the human body is not merely a vessel to transcend, but a vehicle of enlightenment. He encourages us to recognize the divine in our very physical form. This is not an abstract idea but a lived reality—an invitation to “be” in the most fundamental sense, allowing ourselves to embody love, peace, and presence in every aspect of life.

If you chose to study this aspect of Adi Da’s teaching you will explore this developmental gift, addressing how our minds can become overly identified with thoughts and concepts. Adi Da addresses this challenge with precision, offering insights into how we can release the obsession with the mind and embrace a formless, thoughtless presence—the ultimate truth. His teachings draw on the wisdom of traditions like Advaita, Dzogchen, and other non-dual paths, pointing us toward a deeper, intuitive understanding of reality.

What sets Adi Da apart from other contemporary wisdom teachers is his emphasis on the embodiment of this teaching. It’s not about withdrawing from life or reaching for an exalted state, but about fully embracing every aspect of existence. This includes the challenges and difficulties, which are part of the process of growth and adaptation through the stages of life. As Adi Da teaches, it is about total psycho-physical love and a complete embrace of reality.

Beezone’s presenation on The Seven Stages of Life will guide you through these profound teachings, helping to understand how the Seven Stages of Life can serve as a roadmap for living a fully embodied and spiritually aligned life.

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