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To read more about Adi Da Samraj and the Reality-Way of Adidam Ruchiradam, go to:
The Spiritual Community
Can the Present and Future of Adi Da’s influence be Assessed?
A Confidential Survey
Test your Knowledge
Growing, Standing Still, or Dying
Pilgrimage to Adi Da Samrajashram
This opinioned essay is Beezone’s attempt to understand the origins and truth about the diffuse, varied,
and impassioned dialogues that circulated in and about the Adidam community in 2019.
It is with this extraordinary context in mind that ALL must confront a sobering reality:
Sixteen years after his Mahasamadhi, the thousands of persons who had the opportunity to see, hear, and be in his company show no real signs of his influence with the world in the radical way Adi Da envisioned.
A Talk by Adi Da Samraj gave after visiting Sri Aurobindo Ashram, a community in Pondicherry, South India, in 1973, adapted by Beezone
“Truth to Power – the only sane, insightful, and meaningful voice I’ve heard amid the cacophony of the post Mahasamadhi mayhem.”
In March of 2006, Adi Da called for the elimination of all such references to wording
– in his literature – that made references to ‘progressive‘ or ‘stages of life.’
“I have been activated for this very purpose, to cause Realization of Me, of My Very Sate,
in the case of devotees of Mine. And to date, this has not occurred in the case of anyone.“
Adi Da Samraj, October 2005
The Communion cannot just open its arms and say, “Look at this loving Master and come and be His devotee.” That point of view is totally inappropriate. It invites cultism and egoic participation. The Communion must present its point of view clearly, clearly describe the Way of the Heart as it is in all its stages, and help people to understand the limitations that necessarily exist in someone who first expresses an interest in the Spiritual Way, help people to understand that basically they are not yet ready for the Spiritual Process, not even really willing to endure what is necessary to enter into the Spiritual Process. – Good Company
The practices of the Way can be engaged by self-possessed people, without insight, as merely mechanical affectations or manipulations of the superficial nervous system, the superficial body and mind. Thus, people can read a lot, chant a lot, make holy gestures to one another a lot, and talk about the Teaching a lot. Still they only exploit the body-mind, although perhaps in a somewhat different way than other people exploit it. Perhaps they are a little more benign, a little more orderly than others who recklessly indulge themselves, but, even so, they are not entering into a dimension or condition of the body-mind that is other than superficial. They are...mechanically repeating a way of religious activities in a context of social membership supporting one anothers illusions.
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