The Timeless and Present Future

n today’s world, we are witnessing a resurgence of ideologies led by authoritative leaders who seek to return society to a regressive, archaic state. This movement aims to impose its will on a global scale, and for a time, it seemed to have the momentum to succeed. However, there is no room for ambiguity here: if we believe in a unifying and just future for humanity, we must acknowledge that only the triumph of those who champion democracy, human rights, and the elevation of collective and unified consciousness can secure it.

It is also crucial that the news and views shaping our understanding of current events—the very zeitgeist of our times—are clarified and guided by these principles. We must ensure that the narrative of our era reflects a commitment to these values, helping to elevate our collective awareness and align public discourse with the pursuit of a more enlightened future.

To illustrate the importance of these principles, consider a parable:

In a vast forest, two animals—a lion and a dove—were often in conflict. The lion, representing the male principle, was strong and fearsome, believing his might gave him the right to rule over all. He roared and fought to impose his will, and for a time, he was feared by all other creatures. But the dove, embodying the feminine principle, did not seek power through force. Instead, she nurtured peace, understanding, and cooperation among the animals. When the forest faced a great drought, it was the dove who united the creatures to find a solution, while the lion’s strength alone could not save them. In the end, it was the dove’s wisdom and the collective effort of all that ensured their survival.

This parable reminds us that might does not make one right. True progress comes from balancing the male and female principles, fostering unity, understanding, and the collective elevation of consciousness.

In this context, the paradoxical nature of the male and female principles is beautifully captured in the poem from the Vishnu Bhagavata:

Husband and Wife must be souls like twin flames illuminating all about them.
It is not a question of equality between them but of identity.

She is language; he is thought
She is prudence; he is law
He is reason; she is sense
She is duty; he is right
He is author; she is work
He is patience; she is peace
He is will; she is wish
He is pity; she is gift
He is song; she is note
She is fuel; he is fire
She is glory; he is sun
She is motion; he is wind
He is owner; she is wealth
He is battle; she is might
He is lamp; she is light
He is day; she is night
He is justice; she is pity
He is channel; she is river
She is beauty; he is strength
She is body; he is soul

We must recognize that attempting to correct or compensate for old injuries is not only impractical but also counterproductive. The focus must be on moving forward, as healing is the key to progress. Justice that looks backward often devolves into retribution and blind righteousness, trapping us in cycles of resentment and division. Instead, we must prioritize safeguarding our future; only then can we address and resolve the pressing issues of the present. Moving forward, with an emphasis on healing and raising our collective consciousness, is the path to a just and prosperous future for all.

The Timeless and Present Future is in “Your/Our/My/His/Her/Them/Their/Zie/Zir/Zirs (and others) Hands.”
