The Role of the Guru

Julie has requested she be removed from Beezone

My choice to exit the stage is not about Ed or Beezone, independent of our collective ego act. For twenty years, I have been involved in a direct dialog with a diverse group of individuals. I have attempted to point to this to all of us, including myself. There has been no rightening action that has been agreed upon and enacted.

Mummery scripted roles are justifying refusal. Without a True and Real culture, I cannot keep bringing this necessary exposure into the world. It is dreadfully unhealthy to continue and appears fruitless.  I am not able to stay as a player in this false Play.

I now fully understand why Adi Da said he left his body earlier than he wanted.  The language he used, which is humanly comprehensible combined with the esoteric understanding of ‘recognition-responsive’ and ‘radical-root-devotion’, indicated the following:

  • Significantly insufficient recognition response to the Bright I AM.
  • No rightly prepared relationship to Bright Reality Truth Itself.
  • Refusal to do the above as a collective global response by anyone who has come into relationship to what he uniquely revealed.
  • No globally active demonstration of Cooperation+Tolerance=Peace to enable the above.
  • No True renunciates or true and real Adidam.
  • There is ONLY a bare bones beginners cult instead.


The collective that has come into relationship with Adi Da is in denial of the above. Dark forms of delusion are active, and they abusively refuse to engage “All-and-all” who have responded.

It is very likely anything you may be presuming or have in mind is not it. Especially so, if you do not know me. If you assume you do, I can assure you, you do not. As I recall, Adi Da said (paraphrased):
“I would prefer to spend my time with genuinely good-hearted ordinary people rather than you deluded seeking assholes”



Beezone Note:


AVATAR ADI DA SAMRAJ: It’s like Raymond caught at Saint-and-Ear, you see. I can’t be that. I’m caught in the midst of something here, you see. But if I’m going to Instruct you, I have to be present in this situation and break through it somehow, break through the limitations in the game you’re all playing, and not lose Myself. Not lose the Truth of My Own Person and Realization by associating with worldlings, with egos and the game that egos play, the game that you are all playing even as the culture of Adidam, you see. I have to somehow survive it, be authentic within it, break through your game, even while you’re playing it on Me.

So, you see what a difficult situation it is and how you are always spinning a yarn of your own revisionism all around Me, you see, while I have to be free to just all of a sudden say “bullshit”, you know, booop! [mock moralism:] Local pastors don’t say bullshit, you see. If I put Myself in a position where I can’t say “bullshit” any more, you see, I can’t relate to you with any real integrity. So, I have to stand free of the mold that you want to make and the ritual you want Me to play out. I’ve got to be free within it, function freely within it even while you’re playing it and I’m suffering it.

So, which is My History? The one you’re thinking or the one I’m actually engaged in? Which history is history? Well, even the facts about something that is false is still history. So, your history of egoity around Me is still your history. And it’s a kind of a piece of a pattern that could be called real history. And My real Activity and Intention, what I have to do to maintain the integrity of My Person and Speech here, and so on, for the sake of Revelation and Transmission Work and Blessing Work, you see, is also history.

And I, remarkably, because of the disposition even of you all who are My devotees, I must tell you what I am Doing. Because if I leave it up to you, you will tell a mummers tale and the Way will not survive My Lifetime. If I left it up to you to orally remember and pass on My Teaching, My History, the true description of My Person, My Nature, My Activities, you see. If I didn’t speak all of that and record it and write it and carefully express Myself and do so without bullshit, you see, if I didn’t take care to do all of that, then mummery is all that would happen, all that would survive this. And fundamentally, that’s what survives mankind is that revision of Truth and revision even of conditional reality that egos make.

The Realizer Beyond the Door