Meat Eater

1945   Reluctant to meet the fate of all champions, Lucky Boy is dragged up the last long ramp that leads to the killing floor Read More …

Three Knots of Existence

Three Knots of Existence   Previous to Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization, the gross, subtle, and causal dimensions are expressed in the body-mind as characteristic knots. Read More …

God is Not Elsewhere

God is not Elsewhere a talk by Adi Da Samraj, 1980 SPIRITUAL MASTER: God is not elsewhere. If you would penetrate and see through the Read More …

Take the Money and Run

“I am actually concerned and somewhat worried about how you are going to handle all this material. You could overextend yourselves and get completely zonked Read More …

Memory of Mind

“You have all the time in the world, don’t waste a second of it” Ram Dass Person 1: “Do You Remember?” Person 2: “Remember what?”  Read More …