Brain Mysticism and the Radiant Personality of Love


Chapter 5: The Seamless Garment of Love

Brain Mysticism and the Radiant Personality of Love


The ancient mystics were seeking to attain a “divine” and “imperishable” body. The Way was a psycho-physical discipline, represented by the “caduceus,” the ancient heraldic and medical staff or wand of power and authority, symbol of the spinal cord and the brain core, or the central nervous system. The head, or “ajna chakra,” epitomized by the thalamus (with its two parts or “petals”) and the single pole of the pineal body, shines in the midst of the “winged” cerebrum (which is the “sahasrar,” epitomized by the lateral ventricles and the corona radiata). The central or cerebrospinal nervous system, when in a state of release from the ascending (sensory) and descending (motor) or bipolar motions of the autonomic nervous system (symbolized by two intertwined serpents), resonates as a single Current in the brain core. There the Current of Transcendental Life-Light that Pervades all forms Radiates in the midst of the two lateral ventricles, which are likened to the two wings of a bird or angel. (The cerebrospinal core of the body-mind, when permitted to transcend, to master, or simply to witness the gross movements of the autonomic nervous system, is the vehicle of the “astral body” or subtle mind, capable of psychic flight, dreamlike tours, or intuitive reflections of all realms of experience within and without the individual. Thus, the universal inner mechanism, or caduceus, has also been traditionally and fancifully symbolized by winged angels and otherwise identified with superior beings, such as Krishna, Jesus, or Gautama, or states of experience that are subtler than the gross physical.)

At the center is white brightness. Surrounding it is a blue sphere. And the vision is rounded with a golden yellow light. Sounds also surround and permeate the place, in an ascending scale, from deep humming vibrations at the medulla to tiny flute-like sounds in the upper extremities of the temporal lobe.

Is this Heaven? Or is it simply the body in its primary mode, wherein the play of awareness and the senses begins, and where the heart may remain at rest, undisturbed, attuned to the Current of Life? The answer should now be obvious to your thinking mind, but you must also submit to it bodily, by literal inspection and growth into the states of contemplation. Mere mentalizing about the limitations or the excellences of mystical vision is itself the sign of a state below or less than mystical vision, habitually fixed in the lower mental and grosser bodily states.

Therefore, enter the Way and ascend to contemplation in the brain core. Then trace the movement of attention back to the heart. Then awaken at last beyond all the limits of the body-mind into Transcendental Identification with the Radiant Current and Consciousness in which the body-mind is floating. Only then will the Life-Current penetrate beyond the brain core and even the brain itself, to Shine in Transcendental Glory as Bliss, Love, and the very Being of Consciousness. Only This is Enlightenment. All the rest is mere experience, the puny occupation of Narcissus, or the body-mind itself, intent on the survival of its own illusions of independence and the endless enumeration of differentiated objects, never surrendered, never floated in the Real, never transcended, the Bliss of the Eternal never Realized.

I am at war with the lingering childhood of Man in the midst of our dreadful and universal preoccupation with Man himself. For it is only when Man is surrendered in the Transcendental Reality that he can grow up into his own higher consciousness, and only then may he truly and finally Intuit his Identity with what is prior to Man, which is the Transcendental Reality itself.

The human individual is nothing more than a poor and temporary modification of Light, appearing to surround and emanate from a central core of Light. In Truth, he is unnecessary, not even an emanation, but only a conventional appearance, without a Transcendental Cause. Therefore, Man is called to God, to self-transcendence, wherein the illusory body-mind is rested in its Transcendental Identity. Then he is not only Liberated from himself and his world, but even while he seems to live his actions Demonstrate only the Radiant Personality of Love.

Enlightenment is the Ecstatic Realization of literal and prior Identification with the Radiant Transcendental Consciousness in which the body-mind is floating. Enlightenment is not an experience, not a state of the personal body-mind in itself, but the Transcendental Condition of Existence, in which there is no difference, no other, no self, no mind, no body, and no world. Therefore, paradoxically, the conventions of experience-of difference, other, self, mind, body, and world-are known only in that Consciousness. They are arising only in that Radiant Life. They are communicating only that Personality of Love.

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