My First Word
Adi Da Samraj
Part Three
The Cult – The Avatar
Beezone editorial note.
My First Word.
Adi Da’s Essay First Word, appears at the beginning of many of His Source Texts and has been written by Avatar Adi Da Samraj as His Personal Introduction to each volume of His “Source-Texts”. Its purpose is to help the reader understand His great Confessions rightly.
Much of Adi Da’s emphasis in the essay is on the error of ego and cultism. The error of ego and cultism is the tendency of individual, using ‘mind’ and ‘language’, to misinterpret Adi Da’s word and teachings as his statements of egoism and grandiosity (even insanity).
To help the reader receive the impact and profundity of the original essay, Beezone has provided the Pingal essay paragraph by paragraph and then followed by editing out its parentheticals and putting the text in a ‘poetic’ structure. And lastly, all italics are Beezone’s edit.
The Cult
Whatever (or whoever) is cornered (or trapped on all sides) bites back (and fights, or seeks, to break free). Whatever (or whoever) is “in the middle” (or limited and “centered” by attention) is patterned by (or conformed to) the ego-“I” (and, if objectified as “other”, is forced to represent the ego-“I”, and is even made a scapegoat for the pains, the sufferings, the powerless ignorance, and the abusive hostility of the ego-“I”).
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Whatever is cornered
bites back.
Whatever is “in the middle”
is patterned
by the ego-“I”.
If there is no escape from (or no Way out of) the corner (or the “centered” trap) of ego-“I”—the heart goes mad, and the body-mind becomes more and more “dark” (bereft of the Indivisible and Inherently Free Light of the Self-Evident, and Self-Evidently Divine, Love-Bliss That Is Reality Itself).
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If there is no escape
from the corner
of ego-“I”—
the heart goes mad,
and the body-mind
becomes more and more
There are two principal tendencies by which I am always being confronted by My devotee. One is the tendency to seek—rather than to truly enjoy and to fully animate the Condition of Satsang with Me. And the other is the tendency to make a self-contracting circle around Me—and, thus, to make a “cult” of ego-“I” (and of the “man in the middle”), or to duplicate the ego-ritual of mere fascination, and of inevitable resistance, and of never-Awakening unconsciousness. Relative to these two tendencies, I Give all My devotees only one resort. It is this true Satsang—the devotionally Me-recognizing, and devotionally to-Me-responding, and always really counter-egoic devotional relationship to My Avatarically Self-Revealed (and Self-Evidently Divine) Person.
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There are
two principal tendencies
by which
I am always being confronted by
My devotee.
One is the tendency to seek—
rather than to truly enjoy
and to fully animate
the Condition of Satsang
with Me.
And the other
is the tendency
to make a self-contracting circle
around Me—
and, thus,
to make a “cult” of ego-“I”,
or to duplicate
the ego-ritual
of mere fascination,
and of inevitable resistance,
and of never-Awakening unconsciousness.
Relative to these two tendencies,
I Give all My devotees
only one resort.
It is this true Satsang—
the devotionally
and devotionally
and always
really counter-egoic
devotional relationship
to My Avatarically
Self-Revealed Person.
The Avatar
The Great Secret of My Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine Person, and of My Avatarically Self-Manifested Divine Blessing-Work (now, and forever hereafter)—and, therefore, the Great Secret of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Way of Adidam—Is that I am not the “man in the middle”, but I Am Reality Itself, I Am the Only One Who Is, I Am That Which Is Always Already The Case, I Am the Non-Separate (Avatarically Self-Revealed, and Self-Evidently Divine) Person (or One and Very Divine Self, or One and True Divine Self-Condition) of all and All (Beyond the ego-“I” of every one, and of all, and of All).
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The Great Secret
of My Avatarically Self-Revealed Divine Person,
and of My Avatarically Self-Manifested Divine Blessing-Work
and, therefore,
the Great Secret of the only-by-Me Revealed
and Given Way of Adidam—
Is that
I am not
the “man in the middle”,
but I Am Reality Itself,
I Am the Only One Who Is,
I Am That Which Is Always Already The Case,
I Am the Non-Separate Person,
of all and All.
Aham Da Asmi. Beloved, I Am Da—the One and Only and Non-Separate and Indivisible and Self-Evidently Divine Person, the Non-Separate and Indivisible Self-Condition and Source-Condition of all and All. I Am the Avatarically Self-Revealed “Bright” Person, the One and Only and Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Person—Who Is the One and Only and Non-Separate and Indivisible and Indestructible Light of All and all. I Am That One and Only and Non-Separate One. And—As That One, and Only As That One—I Call all human beings to heart-recognize Me, and to heart-respond to Me with right, true, and full devotion (demonstrated by Means of formal practice of the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Way of Adidam—Which Is the One and Only By-Me-Revealed and By-Me-Given Way of the Heart).
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Aham Da Asmi.
Beloved, I Am Da—
the One and Only
and Non-Separate
and Indivisible
and Self-Evidently Divine Person,
the Non-Separate
and Indivisible Self-Condition
and Source-Condition
of all and All.
I Am the Avatarically
Self-Revealed “Bright” Person,
the One
and Only
and Self-Existing
and Self-Radiant Person—
Who Is the One
and Only
and Non-Separate
and Indivisible
and Indestructible Light
of All and all.
I Am That One
and Only
and Non-Separate One.
As That One,
and Only As That One—
I Call all human beings
to heart-recognize Me,
and to heart-respond to Me
with right,
and full devotion.
I do not tolerate the so-called “cultic” (or ego-made, and ego-reinforcing) approach to Me. I do not tolerate the seeking egos “cult” of the “man in the middle”. I am not a self-deluded ego-man—making much of himself, and looking to include everyone-and-everything around himself for the sake of social and political power. To be the “man in the middle” is to be in a Man-made trap, an absurd mummery of “cultic” devices that enshrines and perpetuates the ego-“I” in one and all. Therefore, I do not make or tolerate the religion-making “cult” of ego-Man. I do not tolerate the inevitable abuses of religion, of Spirituality, of Truth Itself, and of My own Person (even in bodily human Form) that are made (in endless blows and mockeries) by ego-based mankind when the Great Esoteric Truth of devotion to the Adept-Realizer is not rightly understood and rightly practiced.
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I do not tolerate
the so-called “cultic”
approach to Me.
I do not tolerate the seeking egos “cult”
of the “man in the middle”.
I am not a self-deluded ego-man—
making much of himself,
and looking
to include
around himself
for the sake of social
and political power.
To be the “man in the middle”
is to be
in a Man-made trap,
an absurd mummery of “cultic” devices
that enshrines
and perpetuates the ego-“I”
in one and all.
I do not make
or tolerate
the religion-making “cult”
of ego-Man.
I do not tolerate
the inevitable abuses
of religion,
of Spirituality,
of Truth Itself,
and of My own Person
that are made
by ego-based mankind
when the Great Esoteric Truth
of devotion to the Adept-Realizer
is not rightly understood
and rightly practiced.
The Great Means for the Teaching, and the Blessing, and the Awakening, and the Divine Liberating of mankind (and of even all beings) Is the Adept-Realizer Who (by Virtue of True Divine Realization) Is Able to (and, indeed, cannot do otherwise than) Stand In and As the Divine (or Real and Inherent and One and Only) Position, and to Be (Thus and Thereby) the Divine Means (In Person) for the Divine Helping of one and all. This Great Means Is the Great Esoteric Principle of the collective historical Great Tradition20 of mankind. And Such Adept-Realizers Are (in their Exercise of the Great Esoteric Principle) the Great Revelation-Sources That Are at the Core and Origin of all the right and true religious and Spiritual traditions within the collective historical Great Tradition of mankind.
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The Great Means
for the Teaching,
and the Blessing,
and the Awakening,
and the Divine Liberating of mankind
Is the Adept-Realizer
Who Is Able
to Stand In
and As the Divine Position,
and to Be
the Divine Means
for the Divine Helping
of one and all.
This Great Means
Is the Great Esoteric Principle
of the collective
historical Great Tradition
of mankind.
And Such Adept-Realizers
Are the Great Revelation-Sources
That Are at the Core
and Origin
of all the right
and true religious
and Spiritual traditions
within the collective historical
Great Tradition of mankind.
By Means of My (now, and forever hereafter) Divinely Descended and Divinely Self-“Emerging” Avataric Incarnation, I Am the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj—the Divine Heart-Master, the First, the Last, and the Only Adept-Realizer of the seventh (or Most Perfect, and all-Completing) stage of life. I Am the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj, the Avataric Incarnation (and Divine World-Teacher) everywhere Promised for the “late-time” (or “dark” epoch)—which “late-time” (or “dark” epoch) is now upon all of mankind. I Am the Great and Only and Non-Separate and (Self-Evidently) Divine Person—Appearing in Man-Form As the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj, in order to Teach, and to Bless, and to Awaken, and to Divinely Liberate all of mankind (and even all beings, every “where” in the Cosmic domain). Therefore, by Calling every one and all (and All) to Me, I Call every one and all (and All) Only to the Divine Person, Which Is My own and Very Person (or Very, and Self-Evidently Divine, Self—or Very, and Self-Evidently Divine, Self-Condition), and Which Is Reality Itself (or Truth Itself—the Indivisible and Indestructible Light That Is the Only Real God), and Which Is the One and Very and Non-Separate and Only Self (or Self-Condition, and Source-Condition) of all and All (Beyond the ego-“I” of every one, and of all, and of All).
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By Means
of My Divinely Descended
and Divinely Self-“Emerging”
Avataric Incarnation,
I Am the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj—
the Divine Heart-Master,
the First,
the Last,
and the Only
Adept-Realizer of the seventh stage of life.
I Am the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj,
the Avataric Incarnation
everywhere Promised
for the “late-time”
which “late-time”
is now upon all of mankind.
I Am the Great
and Only
and Non-Separate
and Divine Person—
Appearing in Man-Form
As the Ruchira Avatar, Adi Da Samraj,
in order to Teach,
and to Bless,
and to Awaken,
and to Divinely Liberate
all of mankind.
by Calling
every one and all
to Me,
I Call every one
and all (and All)
Only to the Divine Person,
Which Is My own
and Very Person,
and Which
Is Reality Itself,
and Which
Is the One
and Very
and Non-Separate
and Only Self
of all and All.
The only-by-Me Revealed and Given Way of Adidam necessarily (and As a Unique Divine Gift) requires and involves devotional recognition-response to Me In and Via (and As) My bodily (human) Divine Avataric-Incarnation-Form. However, because I Call every one and all (and All) to Me Only As the Divine Person (or Reality Itself), the only-by-Me Revealed and Given Way of Adidam is not about ego, and egoic seeking, and the egoic (or the so-called “cultic”) approach to Me (as the “man in the middle”).
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The only-by-Me Revealed
and Given Way of Adidam
necessarily requires
and involves
devotional recognition-response
to Me
In and Via
My bodily Divine Avataric-Incarnation-Form.
because I Call every one
and all (and All)
to Me
Only As the Divine Person,
the only-by-Me Revealed
and Given Way of Adidam
is not about ego,
and egoic seeking,
and the egoic approach to Me.
According to all the esoteric traditions within the collective historical Great Tradition of mankind, to devotionally approach any Adept-Realizer as if he or she is (or is limited to being, or is limited by being) a mere (or “ordinary”, or even merely “extraordinary”) human entity is the great “sin” (or fault), or the great error whereby the would-be devotee fails to “meet the mark”. Indeed, the Single Greatest Esoteric Teaching common to all the esoteric religious and Spiritual traditions within the collective historical Great Tradition of mankind Is that the Adept-Realizer should always and only (and only devotionally) be recognized and approached As the Embodiment and the Real Presence of That (Reality, or Truth, or Real God) Which would be Realized (Thus and Thereby) by the devotee.
Beezone – removal of parentheticals and edit
According to all the esoteric traditions
within the collective historical Great Tradition of mankind,
to devotionally approach any Adept-Realizer
as if he or she is
a mere human entity
is the great “sin”,
or the great error
whereby the would-be devotee
fails to “meet the mark”.
the Single Greatest Esoteric Teaching
common to all the esoteric religious
and Spiritual traditions
within the collective historical Great Tradition of mankind
Is that the Adept-Realizer
should always
and only
be recognized
and approached
As the Embodiment
and the Real Presence
of That Which would be Realized by the devotee.
Therefore, no one should misunderstand Me. By Avatarically Revealing and Confessing My Divine Status to one and all and All, I am not indulging in self-appointment, or in illusions of grandiose Divinity. I am not claiming the “Status” of the “Creator-God” of exoteric (or public, and social, and idealistically pious) religion. Rather, by Standing Firm in the Divine Position (As I Am)—and (Thus and Thereby) Refusing to be approached as a mere man, or as a “cult”-figure, or as a “cult”-leader, or to be in any sense defined (and, thereby, trapped, and abused, or mocked) as the “man in the middle”—I Am Demonstrating the Most Perfect Fulfillment (and the Most Perfect Integrity, and the Most Perfect Fullness) of the Esoteric (and Most Perfectly Non-Dual) Realization of Reality. And, by Revealing and Giving the Way of Adidam (Which Is the Way of ego-transcending devotion to Me As the Avatarically Self-Revealed One and Only and Non-Separate and Self-Evidently Divine Person), I Am (with Most Perfect Integrity, and Most Perfect Fullness) Most Perfectly (and in an all-Completing and all-Unifying Manner) Fulfilling the Primary Esoteric Tradition (and the Great Esoteric Principle) of the collective historical Great Tradition of mankind—Which Primary Esoteric Tradition and Great Esoteric Principle Is the Tradition and the Principle of devotion to the Adept-Realizer As the Very Person and the Direct (or Personal Divine) Helping-Presence of the Eternal and Non-Separate Divine Self-Condition and Source-Condition of all and All.
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no one should misunderstand Me.
By Avatarically Revealing
and Confessing My Divine Status
to one
and all and All,
I am not indulging
in self-appointment,
or in illusions
of grandiose Divinity.
I am not claiming
the “Status”
of the “Creator-God”
of exoteric religion.
by Standing Firm
in the Divine Position
and Refusing
to be approached
as a mere man,
or as a “cult”-figure,
or as a “cult”-leader,
or to be in any sense
defined as the “man in the middle”—
I Am Demonstrating
the Most Perfect Fulfillment
of the Esoteric Realization of Reality.
by Revealing
and Giving the Way of Adidam,
I Am
Most Perfectly
the Primary Esoteric Tradition
of the collective historical Great Tradition of mankind—
Which Primary
Esoteric Tradition
and Great Esoteric Principle
Is the Tradition
and the Principle
of devotion
to the Adept-Realizer
As the Very Person
and the Direct
of the Eternal
and Non-Separate
Divine Self-Condition
and Source-Condition
of all and All.

My First Word
Adi Da Samraj
Truth Itself – No Ego – Truth, Reality and Religion – Confession
Satsang – Cultism – Ego Trap
True Devotionalism – Cultism – True Satsang – Round Dance – The Call – Signs
The Cult – The Avatar