No Remedy – Part One – Live with Me – Bubba Free John – 1975


No Remedy
An Introduction to the Life and Practices
of the Spiritual Community of Bubba Free John.

Compiled & edited by Bonnie Beavan
and Nina Jones in collaboration with Bubba Free John.
First edition: 6/75 – Revised edition 1976



Part One

Live With Me

My promise to devotees is the same that all the Siddhas
have declared: I am with you now, as I have always been, and
I will always be with you. My Function is without beginning
or end. The work I do in my psycho-physical form is
temporary. It is done in order to reawaken the way itself.
Therefore, my human life is only a moment. But the purpose
of my work while alive is to establish the way of Satsang,
Divine Communion, for the coming generations of mankind.

For the natural devotee, the physical form of the
Guru is sufficient. This Truth is given throughout the
traditions. Whenever the Siddhas speak, they say, dont try
to take from me anything to do by and for yourself. Simply
bring yourself into my Company and stay there. Simply rest
your attention on me, sacrifice yourself to me, sit in my
physical presence, live in my ordinary company, yield to me
everything you experience in my company, and I will show you
my Truth



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