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The Letter and Library

“This may be the right moment for having a look at ‘the oriental background* against which the whole of Greek culture had arisen” “(The) oral

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The Role of the Guru

The Role of the Guru with Julie Anderson   New Thinking Allow – Jeffrey Mishlove   Live Stream Event hosted by Jeffery Mishlove and New

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Christianity in Ancient India

  The Ecclesiastical History of Socrates, Surnamed Scholasticus, or The Advocate Comprising a History of The Church, in Seven Books, From the accession of Constantine,

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India’s Sacred Soma – Huston Smith

Huston Smith, H. (2003). Cleansing the doors of perception: the religious significance of entheogenicplants and chemicals (Rev. ed.). Boulder, CO: Sentent Publications. Historical Evidence: India’s

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Academic Freedom – 1918

Lesson from the Past LOWELL WOULD NOT RESTRAIN FACULTY President of Harvard Says Professors Are Entitled to Express Their Personal Views. SEES NO MIDDLE GROUND

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History of Semites

As the title indicates, we shall be concerned in this first volume of the “Semitic Theological Series” with the principle and theology of the cultus

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