Vital Shock and True Hearing


Beezone examines two editions of the Dawn Horse Testament (1991 and 2004), focusing on their descriptions of the “Seeing” stage of spiritual practice. The primary references for this analysis are found in Chapter 24 and Sutra 44 of the respective editions.

The practice discussed emphasizes the spiritual yoga of devotional self-surrender, beginning with the purification, rebalancing, and regeneration of the head, throat, and heart regions. As this initial devotional work progresses, deeper layers of the personality are addressed, leading to a more profound spiritual purification.

In this process, the deep, reactive base of the heart is transformed through divine love and presence, which restores the personality to a state of balance, clarity, and responsibility. This transformation is a key indicator of heart-awakening and paves the way for the direct realization of the Witness-Consciousness and the transition to the “Perfect Practice” stage. This shift occurs at the point of maturity within the “Seeing” stage, marking a significant advancement in the spiritual dimensions of practice.


“You have a knot over your solar plexus. This is your chronic state. It is your own activity entirely. It is totally unnecessary. You are always free to do the exact opposite. You are just habituated to the self-contraction. Even at your age, with so little experience, and basically living a totally protected life so far, you are still doing it – even under the best of circumstances…..circumstances have nothing to do with it.”

Adi Da speaking to young practioners in 1991



The Primary Sign In The First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Way Of The Heart

Vital Shock, True Hearing and the “Seeing” Stage of Practice

and the true beginning of the “Perfect Practice”



Key Points (parentheticals removed)

The Spiritual Yoga Of Devotional self-Surrender Of the frontal personality To Me Is First To Purify, Rebalance, and Regenerate The head, throat, and Heart Regions Of The Frontal Line.

Once The Initial Purifying Work Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spirit-Energy Has Become Significantly Effective In The Frontal Line Of the body-mind, The Spiritual Yoga Of Devotional self-Surrender Of the frontal personality To Me Can Then “Break the navel”, and, Thus, Spiritually Purify, Rebalance, and Regenerate The Deeper Regions Of The Frontal Line.

Therefore, in The Only-By-Me Revealed and Given Way Of The Heart, It Is Only When The Deep Reactive Base Of The Heart – is Invaded By My Baptizing, Purifying, Rebalancing, and Regenerative Spiritual Divine Love-bliss-Presence That the frontal personality Is Most Fully Restored To Superior Equanimity, and To Optimum Clarity Of Awareness, and To Constantly Capable Feeling Responsibility For mental, emotional, and physical Negativity, and To Truly Fundamental Love.

This Primary Sign Is So Potent As A Base Of Heart-Awakening That Direct Awakening To The Position Of The Witness-Consciousness, and Transition To The “Perfect Practice” Of The Way Of The Heart, Will Occur At The Point Of Basic Maturity In The First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Way Of The Heart.

‘I Am Here’ , p. 145

What Makes the Practice True?


The Dawn Horse Testament 2004), Sutra 44

Most individuals Express themselves In A Complex Fashion, Combining (In One or Another Manner) Two, or Even All Three, Of These Chronic egoic Strategies – but every egoic individual Is Basically Dominated By One Of These Three Reactive Designs. And The Characteristic Mood (or Effort) Determined By Each Design Dictates The Characteristic Expression Of bodily energy and human Aliveness Via The Region Of the throat. Thus, the “Solid” character Tends Toward Suppression (or Negatively and Mechanically Controlled Expression) Of bodily energy and human Aliveness. The “Vital” character Tends Toward A Chaotic (and Even Degenerative) Expression Of bodily energy and human Aliveness. And the “Peculiar” character Tends To Swing (In Hysterical Fashion) Between Chaotic and Suppressive Expressions Of bodily energy and human Aliveness.

Insofar As These egoic Strategies Simply Represent The ordinary and Spirit-Preventing Efforts Associated With The First Three Stages Of Life, They Must Be Observed (personally), Understood (Most Fundamentally), and Transcended (Truly Effectively) During The Three Periods Of Intensive Listening and (Then) Hearing Practice – and The Capability Of Those egoic Strategies To Prevent Heart-Communion With Me Is Finally Undone (By means Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spiritual Grace) In The Eventual Awakening Of The True Seeing Of Me (In The Culmination Of The Would-Be Seeing, or Progressively Seeing, Stage Of The Way Of The Heart). However, Insofar As These egoic Strategies Represent Only The Spirit-Diminishing Tendencies Of the humanly Adapted frontal personality (and Frontal Line) Of My Actually Me-Seeing Devotee, They May Continue To Be Responsibly Transcended and Released (and Replaced By Spiritually Positive Signs) In The Truly Both Hearing and Seeing Practice Of The Way Of The Heart (and First, and Especially, and With Principal Effectiveness, In The First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Way Of The Heart).

Deeper Than the head and the throat, and Central To the body-mind As A Whole, Is The Heart. In The Case Of My Seeing Devotee Practicing The Way Of The Heart In The Fully Established “Basic” Context Of The Fourth Stage Of Life, The Left (or physical and lower psychic) and The Middle (or subtle and deeper psychic) Regions Of The Heart Are functionally Evident (In The Context Of the frontal personality), but The Right Side Of The Heart (Which Is The Root-Source, or Point Of Origin, Of egoic self-Consciousness, and Which Is Also, Ultimately, The Heart-Seat, or Horizontal-Plane Focus, Of Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, and Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization) Is Only Latently Evident In the egoic individual Previous To The Transition To The “Perfect Practice” Of The Way Of The Heart.

The (General) Heart-Region (or Horizontal Core) Of the egoic individual Functions (In The Descended Context Of the body-mind) As The Primary Seat Of functional emotion and (Potentially) Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spirit-Energy. And The Heart-Expression Is Retarded (and Even Prevented) By the self-Contraction, Such That It Becomes Characterized By A Range Of Non-Spiritual and (In The Actually Me – Seeing Case) Diminished Spiritual Signs – From The Absence Of Spiritual Awareness To (In The Actually Me – Seeing Case) The Spiritual “Disease” Of Diminished Spiritual Delight (or Diminished Spiritual Awareness Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Love-Bliss). And The self-Contracted Heart Is Also Characterized By A Range Of emotions Associated With Un-Love, or Non-Love, or ego-Based and Superficial Pseudo-Love, or Diminished Love.

The (Fully Technically Responsible) Spiritual Yoga Of Devotional self-Surrender Of the frontal personality To Me (Begun In The Would-Be-Seeing, or Progressively Seeing, Stage Of The Way Of The Heart, and Continued, To The Degree Of True Spiritual Fullness In The Total Context Of The Frontal Line and the frontal personality Of the body-mind, In The First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Way Of The Heart) Is First (and Spiritually) To Purify, Rebalance, and Regenerate The head, throat, and Heart Regions Of The Frontal Line. In That Initial Process, Chronic (and Love-Bliss-Diminishing) Doubt, Boredom, and Discomfort, Love-Bliss-Diminishing Aspects Of “Vital”, “Peculiar”, and “Solid” character-Strategies, Love-Bliss-Diminishing Suppression or Chaos Of bodily energy and human Aliveness, and Love-Bliss-Diminishing emotional Expressions Of Un-Love and Non-Love and Pseudo-Love and Diminished Love, and All Other Forms Of Diminished Heart-Expression and Heart-Delight, Are To Be Progressively (and To A humanly and Spiritually Significant Degree) Released-and These Are (By Truly Spiritual Heart-Cooperation With Me) Responsively (and By Means Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spiritual Grace) To Be Replaced By the mind Of Ruchira-Avatar Praise and Real-God-Aware Happiness, and By Spiritually Fully Infused Equanimity, and By Fullness Of Both human Aliveness and Spirit-Life, and By The Heart Radiant Disposition Of ego-Transcending Love.

Once The Initial Purifying Work Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spirit-Energy Has (In The First Phase Of The First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Way Of The Heart) Become Significantly Effective In The Frontal Line Of the body-mind, The (Fully Technically Responsible) Spiritual Yoga Of Devotional self-Surrender Of the frontal personality To Me Can (and Must) Then (and By Means Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spiritual Grace, In The Second, and Final, or Fullest, Phase Of The First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Way Of The Heart) “Break the navel” (or Release and Open The Knot, or self-Contraction, in The lower frontal Pattern Of the body-mind), and, Thus (By Means Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spiritual Grace), Spiritually Purify, Rebalance, and Regenerate The Deeper (or Base) Regions Of The Frontal Line.

The Deeper (or Base) Regions Of the body-mind Are Associated With The (Rather Unconscious) Root-Reactivity Of the born personality. That Root Reactivity Is Represented By Anger (In The Region Of the solar plexus and the navel), Sorrow (Deeper, In The Region Of the lower abdomen and the genitals), and Fear (In The Deepest Region, The Region Of the perineum, the core of the bodily base). These Great and Base Reactions Are Not Commonly experienced (In Their Most Profound Forms) in the daily course, and (Therefore, In General) They Do Not (or Cannot) Directly and Effectively (or experientially) Either Prevent Or Diminish Spiritual Communion With My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Love-Bliss. The More Superficial Patterns (In The Heart, throat, and head Regions) – Including Occasional and Lesser Expressions Of Fear, Sorrow, and Anger-Are Commonly Indulged (To The Degree] Of, Effectively, Either Preventing Or, Potentially, Diminishing Spiritual Communion With My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Love-Bliss), but The Great Base Reactions Are Commonly (or In the Average moments of daily life) Suppressed (or Strategically Avoided), Even Though They Are At The Root Of All Superficial Reactivity and All conventional Patterning.

Spiritually Untouched Anger, Sorrow, and Fear (Along With Aggressive, Un-Love) Are The Dark, or Hidden (and Generally Unconscious), Side Of; The Heart (In Its Apparent Association With egoity)-Whereas The Less Aggressive (or Less Debilitating) Expressions Of Fear, Sorrow, Anger, Un-Love, Non-Love, Pseudo-Love, and Diminished Love (As Well As The ordinary Chaos or Suppression Of bodily energy and human Aliveness, and Also Even Chronic Doubt, Boredom, and Discomfort) Are The Commonly Dramatized (and Even “socially Acceptable”) Side Of The Heart (In The Context Of Apparent egoity). Therefore, in The Only-By-Me Revealed and Given Way Of The Heart (or Way Of Adidam), It Is Only When The Deep Reactive Base Of The Heart (and the Total frontal personality) – is (Through The Fully Technically Responsible Spiritual Heart-Practice Of Devotional self-Surrender To Me In The Frontal Line) Invaded (or infused) By My (Avatarically Self-Transmitted) Baptizing, Purifying, Rebalancing, and Regenerative Spiritual (and Always Blessing) Divine Love-bliss-Presence That the frontal personality Is Most Fully (or Maximally, To The Fullest Degree Possible Previous To The Divinely Enlightened Awakening Associated With The Only-By-Me Revealed and Given Seventh Stage Of Life) Restored To Superior (or Spiritually Fully Infused) Equanimity, and To Optimum Clarity Of Awareness, and To Constantly Capable Feeling Responsibility For mental, emotional, and physical Negativity, and To Truly Fundamental (and Undiminished) Love (or The Free Happiness Of Delight In The Spirit-Current Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Love-Bliss).

This Process Of Total frontal Invasion (or Infusion) By My Avatarically Self Transmitted Spirit-Current Of Divine Love-Bliss (In The First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Way Of The Heart) Does Not Itself Require (or Necessarily Involve the Conscious experience Of) The Most Debilitating Revelation Of Base Fear, Sorrow, and Anger – but (Rather) The Process Directly (and Most Simply) Involves and Requires The Deep Opening Of The Base Regions Of The Frontal Line Of the body-mind To My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spirit-Presence Of Love-Bliss Itself (Such That The Base Reactions That Are Otherwise Locked Away As Fear, Sorrow, and Anger Are Directly and Immediately Replaced, In The Event Of The Invasion Of The Frontal Line By My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spiritual Grace, With The Fullness and Delight and Freedom That Is My Divine Self-Condition Of Love-Bliss Itself). And The Fullest (or Maximal) Spiritual Restoration Of the frontal personality To My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Love-Bliss Itself (Such As This May Be Realized Previous To Most Perfect Divine Awakening, and The Demonstration Of The Only-By-Me Revealed and Given Seventh Stage Of Life) Is The Primary Sign That Is To Be Realized (At The Point Of Basic Maturity) In The First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Way Of The Heart. Indeed, This Primary Sign Is So Potent As A Base Of Heart-Awakening That Direct Awakening To The Position Of The Witness-Consciousness (By Means Of The Only-By-Me Revealed and Given Samadhi Of The “Thumbs”), and (Consequent) Transition To The “Perfect Practice” Of The Way Of The Heart, Will (In Due Course, By Means Of My’, Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spiritual Grace) Occur At The Point Of Basic Maturity In The First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Way Of The Heart.

Only When Chronic (and ordinary) Anger, Sorrow, and Fear (Which Effectively Separate the psycho-physical being From all ordinary relations) Are (By The Awakening, and The Subsequent Exercise, Of Most Fundamental self Understanding) Capably, Directly, and Effectively Released (In The Maturity Of The Intensive Listening-Hearing Process Of The Way Of The Heart) Can It Be Said That The First Three Stages Of Life (and The “Original”, or Beginner’s, Devotional – and, In The Foundation Sense, Spiritual-Development Of The Fourth Stage Of Life) Are Complete (and That the Possible limitations Of The First Three Stages Of Life Are Inherently and Effectively Transcended, By Means Of The True Hearing Of Me, and By Basic, and Basically Stable, and Truly Hearing-Based human – and, In The Foundation Sense, Spiritual Equanimity). And Only When The Degrees Of ordinary Anger, Sorrow, and Fear That Prevent Heart-Communion With Me Are Spiritually Released (In The Context Of The Fully Technically Responsible Spiritual Awakening Associated With Maturity In The Would-Be-Seeing, or Progressively Seeing, Stage Of The Way Of The Heart) Can It Be Said That The Fourth-Stage – Of Life Practice Of The Way Of The Heart (In Its Fully Established “Basic”, or First Actually Seeing, Form) Has Truly and Fully Begun. Therefore, Practice Of The Way Of The Heart In The (Spiritually) Fully Technically Responsible Context Of The “Basic” Fourth Stage Of Life Cannot Be Truly and Fully Established Until (By Means Of My Avatarically Self-Transmitted Divine Spiritual Grace) Chronic (or ordinary, and Also Happiness-Preventing) Fear, Sorrow, and Anger Are Transcended, Via The Awakening (and The Effective Exercise) Of Both The True Hearing Of Me (or Most Fundamental self-Understanding, Demonstrated By Basic human – and, In The Foundation Sense, Spiritual-Equanimity) and The True Seeing Of Me (or Real Spiritual Heart-Conversion, Demonstrated By Ever-Increasing Spiritual Equanimity and Fullness).





The Dawn Horse Testament 1985, 1991, 2004


The Dawn Horse Testaments (1991), Chapter 24

Even Though many individuals May Seem To Express themselves In A Complex Fashion, Combining Two or More Of These Chronic egoic Strategies, every egoic individual Is Basically Dominated By One Of These Three Reactive Designs. And The Characteristic Mood or Effort Determined By Each Design Dictates The Characteristic Expression Of bodily energy and human Aliveness Via The Region Of the throat. Thus, the “Solid” character Tends Toward Suppression (or Negatively and Mechanically Controlled Expression) Of bodily energy and human Aliveness. The “Vital” character Tends Toward A Chaotic (and Even Degenerative) Expression Of bodily energy and human Aliveness. And the “Peculiar” character Tends To Swing (In Hysterical Fashion) Between Chaotic and Suppressive Expressions Of bodily energy and human Aliveness.

Insofar As These egoic Strategies Simply Represent The ordinary and Spirit- Preventing Efforts Associated With The First Three Stages Of Life, They Must Be Observed (personally), Understood (Most Fundamentally), and Transcended (Most Effectively) During The Three Periods Of Intensive Listening and (Then) Hearing Practice (Associated Either With Practicing Stage One Of The Technically “Fully Elaborated” Form Of The Way Of The Heart, Or, Otherwise, With The Listening-Hearing Process Engaged By Beginning “Lay Congregationist” Practitioners Of The Technically “Simpler”, or Even “Simplest”, Form Of The Way Of The Heart), and The Capability Of Those egoic Strategies To Prevent Heart-Communion With The Living Spiritual Divine Is Finally Undone (By Grace) In The Eventual Awakening Of True Seeing (In The Culmination Of The Would-Be-Seeing, or Progressively Seeing, Stage Of The Way Of The Heart). However, Insofar As These egoic Strategies Represent Only The Spirit- Diminishing Tendencies Of the humanly Adapted frontal personality (and Frontal Line) Of The Spiritually Awakened Devotee, They May Continue To Be Responsibly Transcended and Released (and Replaced By Spiritually Positive Signs) In The Truly and Fully Spiritually Active (or Truly Both Hearing and Seeing) Practice Of The Way Of The Heart (and First, and Especially, and With Principal Effectiveness, In The Context Of The Fully Established “Basic” Fourth Stage Of Life In The Way Of The Heart, and, Therefore, Either In The Context Of The Third Practicing Stage, or The Formally Acknowledged First Actually Seeing Stage, Of The Technically “Fully Elaborated” Practice Of The Way Of The Heart Or, Otherwise, In The Formally Acknowledged First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Technically “Simpler”, or Even “Simplest”, Form Of The Way Of The Heart).

Deeper Than the head and the throat, and Central To the body-mind As A Whole, Is The Heart. In The Case Of The Seeing Devotee Practicing The Way Of The Heart In The Fully Established “Basic” Context Of The Fourth Stage Of Life, The Left (or physical and lower psychic) and The Middle (or subtle and deeper psychic) Regions Of The Heart Are functionally Evident (In The Context Of the frontal personality), but The Right Side Of The Heart (Which Is The Root-Source, or Point Of Origin, Of egoic self-Consciousness, and Which Is Also, Ultimately, The Seat Of Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, and, Ultimately, Divine Self-Realization) Is Only Latently Evident In the egoic individual Previous To The Transition To The Sixth Stage Of Life (In The Way Of The Heart).

The (General) Heart-Region Of the egoic individual Functions (In The Descended Context Of the body-mind) As The Primary Seat Of functional emotion and (Potentially) Of Spirit-Energy. And The Heart-Expression Is Retarded (and Even Prevented) By the self-Contraction, So That It Becomes Characterized By A Range Of Non-Spiritual and (In The Case Of Spiritual Activation) Diminished Spiritual Signs, From The Absence Of Spiritual Awareness To (In The Case Of Spiritual Activation) The Spiritual “Disease” Of Diminished Spiritual Delight (or Diminished Spiritual Awareness Of Love-Bliss). And The self-Contracted Heart Is Also Characterized By A Range Of emotions Associated With Un-Love, or Non-Love, or ego-Based and Superficial Pseudo-Love, or Diminished Love.

The Spiritual Yoga Of Devotional self-Submission Of the frontal personality (Begun In The Would-Be-Seeing, or Progressively Seeing, Stage Of The Way Of The Heart, and Continued, To The Degree Of True Spiritual Fullness In The Total Context Of The Frontal Line and the frontal personality Of the body-mind, In The Formally Acknowledged First Actually Seeing Stage Of The Way Of The Heart) Is First (and Spiritually) To Purify, Rebalance, and Regenerate The head, throat, and Heart Regions Of The Frontal Line. In That Initial Process, Chronic (and Love-Bliss-Diminishing) Doubt, Boredom, and Discomfort, Love-Bliss-Diminishing Aspects Of “Vital”, “Peculiar”, and “Solid” character-Strategies, Love-Bliss-Diminishing Suppression or Chaos Of bodily energy and human Aliveness, and Love-Bliss-Diminishing emotional Expressions Of Un-Love and Non-Love and Pseudo-Love and Diminished Love, and All Other Forms Of Diminished Heart-Expression and Heart-Delight Are To Be Progressively (and To A humanly and Spiritually Significant Degree) Released, and These Are (By Truly Spiritual Heart-Cooperation With Me) Responsively (and By Grace) To Be Replaced By the mind Of Sat-Guru-Praise and God-Aware Happiness, and By Spiritual (or Spiritually Infused) Equanimity, and By Fullness Of Both human Aliveness and Spirit-Life, and By The Heart-Radiant Disposition Of self-Transcending Love.

Once The Initial Spirit-Work Of The Way Of The Heart Has (In The First Phase Of The Fully Established “Basic” Fourth Stage Of Life In The Way Of The Heart) Become Significantly Effective In The Frontal Line Of the body-mind, The Spiritual Yoga Of Devotional self-Submission Of the frontal personality Can (and Must) Then (and By Grace, In The Final, or Fullest, Phase Of The Fully Established “Basic” Fourth Stage Of Life In The Way Of The Heart) “Break The Navel” (or Release and Open The Knot In The lower frontal Pattern Of the body-mind), and, Thus (By Grace), Spiritually Purify, Rebalance, and Regenerate The Deeper or Base Regions Of The Frontal Line.

The Deeper or Base Regions Of the body-mind Are Associated With The (Rather Unconscious) Root-Reactivity Of the born personality. That Root-Reactivity Is Represented By Anger (In The Region Of the solar plexus and the navel), Sorrow (Deeper, In The Region Of the lower abdomen and the genitals), and Fear (In The Deepest Region, The Region Of the perineum, the core of the bodily base). These Great and Base Reactions Are Not Commonly experienced (In Their Most Profound Forms) in the daily course, and, Therefore, In General, They Do Not (or Cannot) Directly and Effectively (or experientially) Either Prevent Or Diminish Spiritual Communion With The (Only By Grace Revealed) Divine Love-Bliss. The More Superficial Patterns (In The Heart, throat, and head Regions), Including Occasional and Lesser Expressions Of Fear, Sorrow, and Anger, Are Commonly Indulged (To The Degree Of, Effectively, Either Preventing Or, Potentially, Diminishing Spiritual Communion With The Divine Love-Bliss), but The Great Base Reactions Are Commonly Suppressed (or Strategically Avoided), Even Though They Are At The Root Of All Superficial Reactivity and All conventional Patterning.

Spiritually Untouched Anger, Sorrow, and Fear (Along With Aggressive Un-Love) Are The Dark or Hidden (and Generally Unconscious) Side Of The Heart (In Its Apparent Association With egoity), Whereas The Less Aggressive (or Less Debilitating) Expressions Of Fear, Sorrow, Anger, Un-Love, Non-Love, Pseudo-Love, and Diminished Love, As Well As The ordinary Chaos or Suppression Of bodily energy and human Aliveness, and Also Even Chronic Doubt, Boredom, and Discomfort Are The Commonly Dramatized (and Even “socially Acceptable”) Side Of The Heart (In The Context Of Apparent egoity). Therefore, In The Way Of The Heart, It Is Only When The Deep Reactive Base Of The Heart (and the Total frontal personality) Is (Through The Spiritual Heart-Practice Of Devotional self-Submission In The Frontal Line) Invaded (or Infused) By My Baptizing, Purifying, Rebalancing, and Regenerative Spiritual (and Always Blessing) Presence (and, Thus and Thereby, By The Mere and Blessing Love-Bliss-Presence Of The Divine Person and Condition) That the frontal personality Is Most Fully (or Maximally, To The Fullest Degree Possible Previous To The Divinely Enlightened Awakening Associated With The Seventh Stage Of Life) Restored To Superior (or Spiritually Fully Infused) Equanimity, and To Optimum Clarity Of Awareness, and To Constantly Capable Feeling-Responsibility For mental, emotional, and physical Negativity, and To Truly Fundamental (and Undiminished) Love (or The Free Happiness-Delight Of Inherent Love-Bliss).

This Process Of Total frontal Invasion (or Infusion) By The Spirit-Current Of Love-Bliss (In The Context Of The Fully Established “Basic” Fourth Stage Of Life In The Way Of The Heart) Does Not Itself Require (or Necessarily Involve The Conscious experience Of) The Most Debilitating Revelation Of Base Fear, Sorrow, and Anger, but (Rather) The Process Directly (and Most Simply) Involves and Requires The Deep Opening Of The Base Regions Of The Frontal Line Of the body-mind To My (By Grace Revealed) Spirit-Presence Of Love-Bliss Itself (So That The Base Reactions That Are Otherwise Locked Away As Fear, Sorrow, and Anger Are Directly and Immediately Replaced, In The Event Of The Grace-Given Spirit-Invasion Of The Frontal Line, With The Fullness and Delight and Freedom That Is Love-Bliss Itself). And The Fullest (or Maximal) Restoration Of the frontal personality To The (Only By Grace Revealed) Divine Love-Bliss Itself (Such As This May Be Realized Previous To Inherently and Fully Perfect Divine Awakening Itself) Is The Primary Sign That Is To Be Realized (At The Point Of Basic Maturity) In The Fully Established “Basic” Fourth Stage Of Life In The Way Of The Heart. (Indeed, This Primary Sign Is So Potent As A Base Of Heart-Awakening That Direct Awakening To The Native Position Of The Witness-Consciousness, and Early Transition To Practice Of The Way Of The Heart In The Context Of The Sixth Stage Of Life, May Possibly Occur At any time After The Point Of Basic Maturity In The Fully Established “Basic” Fourth Stage Of Life In The Way Of The Heart.)

Only When Chronic (and ordinary) Anger, Sorrow, and Fear (Which Effectively Separate the psycho-physical being From all ordinary relations) Are (By The Awakening, and The Subsequent Exercise, Of Most Fundamental self-Understanding) Capably, Directly, and Effectively Released (In The Maturity Of The Intensive Listening-Hearing Process Of The Way Of The Heart) Can It Be Said That The First Three Stages Of Life (and The “Original”, or Beginners, Devotional Development Of The Fourth Stage Of Life) Are Complete (and That the Possible limitations Of The First Three Stages Of Life Are Inherently and Effectively Transcended, By Means Of True Hearing, and By Basic, and Basically Stable, and Truly Hearing-Based human Equanimity). And Only When The Degrees Of ordinary Anger, Sorrow, and Fear That Prevent Heart-Communion With The Living Spiritual Divine Are Also (By The Effective Exercise Of True Hearing, and, Ultimately, By The Eventful Awakening Of True Seeing) Spiritually Released (By The Spiritual Awakening Associated With Maturity In The Would-Be-Seeing, or Progressively Seeing, Stage Of The Way Of The Heart) Can It Be Said That The Fourth Stage Of Life (In Its Fully Established “Basic”, or First Actually Spiritually Responsible, Form) Has Truly and Fully Begun. Therefore, Practice Of The Way Of The Heart In The Spiritually Responsible Context Of The “Basic” Fourth Stage Of Life Cannot Be Truly and Fully Established Until, By Grace, Chronic (or ordinary, and Also Happiness- Preventing ) Fear, Sorrow, and Anger Are Transcended (Via The Awakening, and The Effective Exercise, Of True Hearing, or Most Fundamental self-Understanding, Demonstrated By Basic human Equanimity), and Until, By Grace, True Seeing (or Real Spiritual Heart-Conversion) Is Awakened or Established (and Begins To Be Demonstrated By Ever-Increasing Spiritual Equanimity and Fullness).


Vital Shock

You may have noticed, especially in the most difficult or anxious moments, a persistent contraction, or tension of the whole lower trunk of the body, from the heart to the abdomen. This tension often feels like a fist or a stone, or a knot. Especially in the areas of the navel or the solar plexus. It makes you chronically anxious. Not only physically tense, but emotionally, mentally, and psychically uneasy. This tangible disturbance is evidence of a severe and profound reaction to life.

Bubba Free John – 1975




The following dialogue is from a seminar Bubba Free John gave to his community on July 26, 1975 on various aspects of the teaching and disciplines of the developing Sadhana.


TOM RILEY: Bubba, the release of vital shock to me seems to be the equivalent of real self-observation and insight. How does ego death fit with that, is that, on a life level the release of vital shock occurs, but is ego death something that takes place in the causal heart or is that impossible in the release of vital shock?

BUBBA: Well, in its ultimate sense, certainly, yes. It is when the causal being is opened, when that knot in the causal being is opened. But that event as well as a lot of more superficial versions of it essentially amounts to forgetting of the self-definition, release of it. And that occurs whenever there is real insight, real enquiry.

In such a moment consciousness falls into its natural position and releases ego, mind, and desire. So at the same time is the mind is perhaps effected, stilled in some moments in this affair of enquiry and desires also come to rest at random times. Well, just so, this self-meditation, this activity of self-definition, also comes to rest in the midst of the same insight, the same enquiry.

Ego death is simply the absence of self-definition, the absence of self-meditation. And that occurs whenever the consciousness that is otherwise defining itself as a “me” rests in its prior condition of the Self, of the Divine. Whenever that occurs there’s not unconsciousness, there’s not the death of somebody and then you sit in the darkness feeling dead. No, there’s the passage of consciousness from one assumed condition into another that is not assumed.

Ego is a matter of attention, contraction of the field of consciousness. When consciousness rests in its prior condition, there is no attention, no contraction in the field of consciousness, natural, prior happiness, radiance, without a sense of being separate one, without the sense of having died and now become a big one either. It’s the prior condition, not an achieved condition. So, another one of the lessons in these seminars is that passage through the principal mood is not to go through an episode of fear. Some people just like to go through phases and then have experiences of that kind they way I’ve described it. But passage though the principal mood is to go beyond the contraction of fear and of self and so forth into the natural intuition that is the condition of enquiry2. And that obviates fear, that obviates the principal mood. It doesn’t bring it on so that you can cut it out of yourself and so forth.

So just so, there’s no ego death experience either that is a necessary aspect of this affair of understanding. It’s not a required experience. It doesn’t have to happen at all. There needn’t be anything, in experiential terms, that’s particularly far out about this whole affair of understanding, from beginning to end. That is, if you really grasp it. If that fundamental realization, which is not just a minor little psychological adjustment, but an absolute realization of the Divine, as long as that is served, there needn’t be any karmic dramas that amount to anything. There may be, but there needn’t be, it’s not necessary. And you shouldn’t try to manipulate yourself into a very dramatic and heroic kind of spiritual life because you think that otherwise you’re not having it or something. No, you must be sensitive to what the process itself fundamentally is and you’re responsible for what sadhana is by description, what it is as a natural process. And if in the midst of doing all of that there is no special drama ,well, that’s fine.

TOM: I don’t know if it’s useful for this or not, but today I was in study group, I was mentioning to people that sometimes a confusion arises in my own case as to what, like, a sensation of the experience of clarity, what I would call Presence. I’m beginning to wonder about that, it’s a sense of, like, maybe a sense of great immunity, just sort of removing myself somehow.

I don’t know, it’s not some little trick that I do, you know, I never really got it out, but, maybe a little trick that, some internal trick that I’m fooling with that clears out the mechanism, as a sense of community as opposed to…

BUBBA: Is this true?

TOM: Yeah, like the effect…

BUBBA: Is that what you do?

TOM: It seems like there’s somethin’ goin’ on. I’m suspecting myself.

BUBBA: Well, in some moment without really getting concerned about it now, trying to look at it and watch it, at some moment it may be very clear to you that that’s what you’re doing. That;s the difference between understanding relative to the mind in your own case and watching it. You can sit here and watch it now and see what you’re doing. But all you’ll get out of that is some data about it, some information. But just by doing sadhana in the practical terms in which at some random it’s been given to you at some random moment you may see something specifically about that.

The Internal “Locks” of the Whole Body,
by Bubba Free John

The living human body is a system or structure for the conduction of life. The physical body is contacted by or unified with mind, or attention, via the pervading medium of life-force. The present capacity of the complex of attention, feeling, and bodily form to conduct the life-power is its general state of responsi-bility, or “conductivity.”

The same life-force pervades both the physical body and its environment. The physical body does not “contain,” or grasp and hold, the life-force, but simply communes or communicates with the all-pervading life-force, or manifest light, and intensifies the sense and effect of the life-force through feeling, or psycho-physical emotion. Attention (including intention and controlled thought) and the control of posture and activity are the outer limbs or extremities, the opposite poles of the process of living. The center, root, and living core of the process is the life-force or universal energy, apparently cycled through the phases of the breath, but constantly and priorly communicated in, as, and through us via the process of feeling.

Feeling is either obstructed and reactive or un-obstructed and non-reactive. Reactive emotions, such as fear, sorrow, and anger, are forms of recoil. They contract the mechanisms of the whole body, and obstruct or attenuate the conductivity, and thus the responsibility, of the whole being. When there is simple, direct, and native participation in the state of life, there is no reactivity, but a pleasurable, rela-tional force and radiance. This is love, or unobstructed conductivity. In that case, the responsibility of the whole body-being is optimum, and Communion with the Real Condition or Truth of all conditions is possible, and even native to that instant.

The cycle of breathing is a reflection of the present state of conductivity, and thus responsibility, of the individual. Indeed, the cycle of breathing, or conduc-tivity of life, is senior to all subjectivity, all reactivity. Breath and emotion are identical. We feel and breathe simultaneously, as a sing a event. Unobstructed feeling, or love, is senior to the physiological action of the breath, but simultaneous with it. Love is creative or causative relative to breath and life.

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Hearing and the Frontal Line