Have No Regrets




Adi Da Samraj

True change and higher human adaptation are not made on
the basis of any self-conscious resistance to old,
degenerative, and subhuman habits. Change is not a matter of
not doing something. It is a matter of doing something else
. Therefore, the key is insight and the freedom to feel and
participate in ways of functioning that are right and

The tendencies and patterns of our earlier adaptations
are not wrong. They were appropriate enough in their own
moment of creation, and there is no need to feel guilt or
despair about them. Likewise, efforts to oppose and change
them are basically fruitless. Such efforts are forms of
conflict, and they only reinforce the modes of

What is not used becomes obsolete, whereas what is
opposed is kept before us. Therefore, the creative principle
of change is the one of relaxed inspection and awareness of
existing tendencies and persistent full feeling orientation
to right, new, regenerative functional patterns. If this is
done consistently and in ecstatic resort to the Living
Divine, free growth is assured.

Have no regrets. Resort to the Divine in Truth and in the
present. All that has been done by anyone had its logic in
its time. Only God avails. Whatever is your habit in this
moment is not wrong. It is simply a beginning. No habit is
necessary, but it is only tending to persist, because it has
not yet been replaced by further growth. Hear the Teaching
of Truth, and understand what is the right, ultimate, and
regenerative pattern of each function of Man. Feel free of
all negative judgments about what you have done and what you
tend to do. Turn with full feeling-attention to the creative
affair of new adaptation in most positive communion with the
God who is Life, and who is Alive as all beings.