Perfect Freedom Is Not Free Will

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Perfect Freedom Is Not Free Will (pages 1151 – 1153)



There is no intrinsically free will.

There is no free ego.

Indeed, the ego-“I” is (itself) intrinsically
and always pattern-bound, un-free, and always only

seeking to be free.

The ego-“I” never achieves—nor can the
ego-“I” in fact achieve—either free will or


The would-be-active agent (or ego-“I”) wills
itself to act only because (or when and if) it is stimulated
to do so by a pattern of conditionally apparent
circumstances in space and time.

The would-be-active agent (or egoic will to act) is
always “caused” to act, by the stimulating
“effect” of one or another kind, or mode, or state
of conditionally evident pattern-context.

Therefore, the ego-“I”, or would-be-active
agent, is not primary, or self-existing, or intrinsically
free—but the would-be-active agent (or
ego-“I”) is (intrinsically and necessarily) an
“effect”, or a secondary, subsequent, merely
“caused”, and always limited (or intrinsically
non-free) agent.

Indeed, the ego-“I” (or the would-be-active and
will-based agent) is not a separate entity—but the
ego-“I” is (itself) entirely and only a

The ego-“I” is a secondary and subordinate
pattern within a larger pattern—a comprehensive pattern
of totality and particularity, upon which the
ego-“I” depends, and which is, itself, the
“cause” of the reaction that is ego-“I”

There is no independent ego-“entity”, no
separate and absolute ego-“I”—no
intrinsically free agent of conditional action.

The existing (or conditionally evident) pattern always
pre-determines the options of the would-beactive agent (or

Therefore, the willful ego-“I” cannot act as an
independent (and, thus, free) agent, actively prior to the
pattern in which it would (or, potentially, could)
act—because the pattern-bound ego-“I” can
only react to pattern itself.

The willful ego-“I” can only act as a pattern
within a pattern.

The willful ego-“I” can choose among
conditionally evident options—but the willful
ego-“I” is able to make choices only as a
pre-patterned (or condition-limited and pre-conditioned)
agent of pattern itself.

Therefore, the always only pattern-reactive egoic will to
act is not (and cannot be) free will.

Fundamentally, the ego-“I” is a
pattern-slave—or a pattern-impulsed subordinate element
within a larger (or comprehensive) and choice-programmed
(and even largely choice-determining) pattern context.

The pattern itself always “plays” (or, in
effect, “enacts”) the egoic agent, within an
always predetermined (or pattern-determined) and
intrinsically limited field of options.

In any moment or circumstance (or space-time context),
the egoic agent can only choose one of the given (or
pattern-evident) options—and the (necessarily) always
pattern-particular choice determines the available
action-pattern for the next moment and circumstance of
options and choices.

No matter what choice or action the ego-“I”
makes in any moment, it is always the pattern itself that
continues—whereas the ego-“I” itself is
always (and intrinsically) mutable and threatened, and, at
last, it is mortally terminated by the pattern itself.

It is always contextually self-evident (or existentially
obvious) to the ego-“I” that pattern (itself) can
never be “finally” escaped, dominated, or
cancelled by the will and activity of the ego-“I”
(or would-be-active agent).

Therefore, from the “point of view” of the
conditionally (and always in-reaction-to-pattern) arising
ego-“I”, it is intrinsically self-evident in the
context of any and all conditionally arising
“experience” that, while choosing among
pattern-evident options may (even absurdly) continue to be
possible (and more or less necessary) for an indefinite
life-period of time, the only “final” option for
the egoic agent is to either “self”-destruct or
remain inert—because pattern itself is inexorable.

Suicide and utter passivity (or complete submission to
the pattern-enforced conventions of evident conditionality)
are the only “final”—and, in any case, merely
and entirely reactive, seeking, enslaved, and utterly
ego-bound—options for the intrinsically pattern-bound

However, there Is Always A Perfect Option—Which is
neither ego-bound, nor pattern-bound, nor reactive in and to
the intrinsic dilemma of ego-versus-pattern here.

The only Perfect Option is to transcend pattern itself,
by searchless (or will-less) “self”-understanding
(or circumspect comprehension of the total context of
“self”-and-pattern) and (thereupon) by the
intrinsic transcending of the “self”-identity of
“active agent”—or the ego-“I” of
“point of view” and of the pattern-stimulated will
to act.

The only Perfect Option is egolessness
itself—intrinsically transcending all pattern-bondage
and all seeking for freedom itself.

The only Perfect Freedom Is Intrinsic
egolessness—The Reality-State That Is Always Already
Prior to both pattern and action.

Therefore, you cannot, by any kind or mode or time or
place of will and action become free.

You can only Be Free.

So Be It.