Adi Da’s Gurus

Adi Da Samraj –
1972 (Franklin Jones)


“I do the Heart’s
work for my friends and all beings.

But there is no
need to establish an elaborate cult and ashram. Not the cult
but understanding is necessary.

An essential
place of congregation in a situation of ease should be
established. But it’s expense can be kept at a minimum. It
need accommodate a relative few. The world is large and I
must go to it. There is no room for it in any single

I must also
remain free to move, to make contact

Money can be
devoted to these essentials, without elaboration. When I
move, what is necessary should be provided by those who
receive us.

The movement of
money, work and devotion of those who will become attracted
to the heart should essentially be given for the benefit of
all beings. It should be turned to the world as a
Heart-force. Our work should aid and create an easier world
of greater availability, essentially solved, turned always
to understanding and the Heart. Our gift should be love from
an obvious source that is the Heart.

It is not that we
should become engaged in philanthropy or enterprise. We will
merely create ease, space for hearing and reflection. We
will only turn men to the man of understanding and to
understanding. Then they will move in the world according to
the karmas of their creatively and do the work of man. But
we will only do the work of understanding for the sake of