Adi Da 101 – Beezone Articles on Adi Da Samraj

TERRY PATTEN (1951-2021) was a philosopher, activist, social entrepreneur, author, and friend. In the following video clip from an interview (April 7, 2018) with Rick Archer (Buddha at the Gas Pump), Terry talks about his time in the company of Adi Da. Watching this short video clip will give you a good sense of who Adi Da is.

The many faces of Adi Da

Recent Voices

Julie Anderson - INTERVIEW - Spirituality and Death - New Thinking Allowed with Jeffrey Mishlove

The Whole Body Gospel

Yogic Gnosticism in the Work of Adi Da Samraj

Naamleela Free Jones

Adi Da Samraj - Teachings

What is Adi Da’s Fundamental



What is Adi Da’s 


on his fundamental Argument? 

“It has been My Intention to make Books of My Word so profound that the mere reading of them could convert any being on Earth, or anywhere else, from the ego-possessed life of mortality and darkness, to the life of Divine Love-Bliss—without the slightest qualification, in the case of any being that moves or is. This has been My Intention, this is what I have been Doing, this is the significance of My Years of ‘Consideration’.For Me, it is a single thread of Argument, a single Conversation, without the slightest softness of mind, lack of comprehension, or forgetting. It has been a consistent, every-day, twenty-four-hour-a-day, Conversation with Me, for all these years.

From the night I sat on Melrose Avenue and Spoke, to this night, it has been a single Conversation, in which I do not regard any being to be a fool. I just cannot do so. That is why I Speak as I do. Because I take everyone seriously. Always have. It is what has given absolute Integrity to My Divine Avataric Life and Word.

So these Books are My Personal Word to each of you. And to every being, from now and forever. My Personal Word. Lots of Words! But I think you can dig the Company, right? I mean, you cannot read five, ten, fifteen of My Books, and still remember them all. You have to go back and read them some more, and the rest of the Twenty-Three. And then there is all the supportive texts. You people have a lot of reading to do! I am Talking about detailed reading and practicing, day after day, all your life!”

Adi Da goes on to Say:

“So, My Intention with these Books is to Give them to everyone, not to have them in My room, nicely printed, merely. They must fall through your hands to everyone on Earth, and fall out of your mouths to everyone on Earth—and everywhere else. Because sooner or later, all of you will go everywhere else.

Remember Me, and you will bring Me with you, and serve beings.

Not a fraction of what is required for your Realization of Me has been denied to you. Nor will it ever be. So these Books go to all, with My Blessing.”

~Adi Da Samrajashram, 1999

“Today everything that was regarded previously to be secret can be found at your local bookstore. It is foolish to presume that you can treat it as if it is hidden knowledge. It must, therefore, continue to be openly but rightly Taught, and the right demands must be placed on people, as well as right offenses.”The Fire Gospel , Adi Da Samraj, 1982.

Study Room

I Teach a Way that enables you to make use of my spiritual Influence, as well as all the ordinary moments of life, as a process of Awakening and transcendence, until attention is perfectly free to directly and intuitively Realize the Condition of existence, or That in which all of manifest conditional existence is arising.”

Breaking the Cycle – Crazy Wisdom, Vol 1, No 3, June 1982

“(My) claim is not an exclusive claim. It’s not one that demands fascination. It is a hopeful claim for other beings, all beings. It is not an assertion of prominence. It is simply an assertion of happiness, and an assertion of that which is the very condition of all beings.”The Cosmos, 1973

"Do Not Misunderstand Me" - At the very least you should understand him correctly.
Evolution of Adi Da – "Yoga of Consideration" to "The God Man is Here"
Let’s set the record straight once and for all so you won’t be confused. Confessions, ecstatic utterances and other seemingly egocentric and psychotic proclaimations of Realizers and ‘God’ intoxicated beings.
How Can Anyone Understand Adi Da’s Revelation of Being, “The First, Last and Only Seventh Stage Realizer”? - A Study by Beezone into the Revelatory Claim of Adi Da Samraj.
Beezone Interview with Aniello Panico - November, 2019
Complaints and Problems - The abuses and outrageous behaviors of the Guru Lately I've been reading some of the bulletin boards and web pages on the Internet that discuss Adi Da.
“I asked that you not make cultic nonsense out of My Life.” - Adi Da Samraj
The Spiritual Community of Adi Da Samraj
“The Inherent PurposeOf Spiritual Practice Of The Only By-Me Revealedand Given Way Of The Heart Is To Inherently Transcend thepoint of view that is the physical body, and To InherentlyTranscend the point of view that is the mind, and ToInherently Transcend Identification With Even every kind ofpsycho-physical, or conditional, or Otherwise Dependentlyarising point of view”.Sutra48 – The Dawn Horse Testament
You Must Establish a Culture on this Foundation I’m Here to Regenerate the Whole Thing - Adi Da Samraj, 1987
The Great Esoteric Tradition of Devotion To The Adept-Realizer
What do you really know about Adi Da Samraj?
Beezone Study of the Aletheon
The Knee of Listening
Devotees of Adi Da Speak with Beezone

Adi Da Videos

The Teachings

The 'Middle Way' also called a 'Middle Ground' is for those who are unable to make the Perfect Gesture and Embrace the Radical Way of Adidam Perfectly
Beezone's visit to ashram
Book Lending Library

Beezone is working with ASA (The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam, which owns all of Avatar Adi Da Samraj’s Intellectual Property including the trademark ADIDAM) to conform Beezone’s usage of ASA IP to “fair use” and to the terms of their mutual license agreement.

To read more about Adi Da Samraj and the Reality-Way of Adidam Ruchiradam, go to: